Thematic Session: Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work Based Learning
To celebrate the formal establishment of 5 VET national networks, the partners of the ENNE project decided to organize the online conference VET4FUTURE, during the European Vocational Skills Week, to promote the first encounter among the members of the VET community, where they could interact and work on a common goal – the enhancement of the quality and attractiveness of VET.
Arts & Skills was responsible for moderating the thematic session “Recognition and Validation of Competences in Work Based Learning”.
The national and international work based learning programs are developed to bring the learning environment and the working environment closer together. The different strategies provide career awareness, exploration of career opportunities, activities of career planning and they also help learners to develop other skills such as positive professional attitudes, among others.
The recognition and validation of competences in Work Based Learning (WBL) environments refers to the identification and assessment of the skills and competences that an individual acquires through a learning experience at work. While WBL experiences may take different forms they should be well planned, monitored and evaluated.
The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is one of the most relevant European frameworks developed to support the VET community in implementing high quality VET programs:
– ECVET provides a framework for the assessment, validation and recognition of learning outcomes, together with a number of common tools and instruments to support quality in mobilities;
– ECVET promotes the integration of mobilities into existing learning pathways;
– ECVET contributes to the development of a common language to be used by the different VET stakeholders and promotes mutual trust within the wider VET community.
– ECVET supports the valorisation of key competences (such as foreign language skills or intercultural competences) together with technical – or vocational – competences
The implementation of ECVET was mentioned during the thematic session of the conference “Recognition and Validation of Competences in WBL”, where 6 representatives of members of the ENNE National Network presented some good practices in WBL implemented by their organizations.
This session showed us how various strategies of work-based learning can be addressed by VET providers to improve the quality and attractiveness of VET.
We hope to have inspired the audience to develop projects and cooperate with the whole VET community.