Project ENNE – Blended Course on “Erasmus+ KA2 Project Proposal Writing””

After the success of the MOOC ” Quality of mobility projects in Vocational Education and Training”, the partners of the ENNE are preparing to start with the course on “Erasmus+ KA2 Project proposal Writing”.

This 70-hour blended learning course aims to support VET professionals in the design of mobility projects, more specifically, to prepare Erasmus+ applications (KA1 and KA2) that promote the improvement of VET quality in Europe.

This capacity building activity will focus on how to prepare a successful Erasmus+ project proposal in the field of VET and will be based on an intensive preparatory phase and the elaboration of concrete proposals, taking advantage of the cooperation between the different national ENNE Networks, established in the 5 countries of the consortium (IT, PT, GER, BG, BE).

The course will be hands-on and practical: participants will have the opportunity to finish the course with a developed proposal, almost ready to be submitted to their respective funding agencies.

The course is scheduled to start in the end of February 2021 and all members of the ENNE Network will be able to participate in the online activities.

More information coming soon!